God's eye is always upon us. He is watching over us with eyes of love and compassion, wisdom and understanding. He knows where we have come from and where we are going. He is jealous over us and will protect us at all cost...yes all cost...He manifest himself in the flesh and paid the penalty for our sins so we could have eternal life not what we really deserve.
Are you going through a trial? Are you going through a time of testing. Weary not dear one for God is watching over you and will guide you through it all. Keep you hand in his, keep you eyes focused on Him.
~Mary Hynes~
Join us as we study the book of Galatians
This short series will be held in the basement of Lighthouse of Hope UPC
161 Park Ave. Mount Pearl
Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Daily B.R.E.A.D.
(Bible Reading Enriches Any Day)
Today's Scripture reading - 1 Samuel 5 & 6 and Romans 3
Tomorrow's Scripture reading - 1 Samuel 7 & 8, Romans 4 and Psalm 61
Today's Scripture reading - 1 Samuel 5 & 6 and Romans 3
Tomorrow's Scripture reading - 1 Samuel 7 & 8, Romans 4 and Psalm 61
For more information on Scripture of the Day, Daily B.R.E.A.D or if you just want to know more about Jesus, visit www.hopelighthouse.ca.
May the Lord richly bless you,