Sunday, October 14, 2012

Scripture of the Day - October 14, 2012

Joshua 1:8...: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

 How do you measure success? What is your measuring rod? Do you compare yourself to others? Do you gauge your success by the standards of this world? If so, you will be driven to acquire more more more and you will never be satisfied. You will often find yourself disappointed and discouraged. 
If you want good success, if you want to be truly prosperous, then do ALL that God has commanded in His Word. God's measuring rod is much different from the world's measuring rod. How do you think Paul could be content in a Philippi jail and write letters of encouragement?  I have learned that whatever state I am in to be content he said. How could he feel successful and prosperous in jail? He had a heavenly measuring rod, that's how. God's ways are far above our ways and we can't comprehend them with our natural mind. We need the Word of God to guide us and show us the way to success. Paul had something that this world could not corrupt. If you want that too then follow the advice God gave to Joshua. Be strong and very courageous in taking care to follow all the law that Moses taught you: don't turn from it, to the left or right, THEN you will prosper and be a success in all that you do and everywhere you go. 

~Mary Hynes~

Daily B.R.E.A.D.
(Bible Reading Enriches Any Day)
Today's Scripture reading - Isaiah 35 & 36 and Psalm 136
Tomorrow's Scripture reading - Isaiah 37 & 38

For more information on Scripture of the Day, Daily B.R.E.A.D or if you just want to know more about Jesus, visit

May the Lord richly bless you,


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